Monday, October 27, 2008

Happy Birthday MOM!!!!!!!!

Where do I start? This morning I woke up, and read the day by day calendar of Bible verses that my mom has in our kitchen. It usually
 has an inspiring quote followed by a verse that is related. Here is what it said....

"What a few words can't say, a lifetime of action can."

"Let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth."
1 John 3:18

Mom, I believe it was God's plan to have this verse fall on the day of your birthday, so it would encourage you! This exemplifies your life. Day after day, month after month, year after year, you have faithfully loved us in deed, by homeschooling
 us, driving us all over for sports and music practices, faithfully cooking dinner every night, caring for us when we were sick, and on top of that you had seven of us! Having a nannying job, I get a small taste of how much you sacrificed for us.  

Day after day, month after month, year after year, you have faithfully loved us in truth. Memorizing Scripture every morning, breakfast devotionals, waking up in the morning to worship music blasting, and PRAYER. If i could think of one spiritual quality in your life that stands out like a sharp tack it would be that you are a woman of prayer. Consistently you are asking me ways that you can be praying for me, and the best thing is I know that you will pray for sure! I think of all your spiritual qualities, and prayer is the one I most desire to emulate, because it really shows a heart of humility, knowing that NOTHING we do is apart from God, all we have is from His hand. I also so appreciate your heart for your co-workers, and the little children that you love and care for. The fact that you work at a center for severely autistic kids, after a lifetime of homeschooling and raising seven children is AMAZING.

God is going to richly bless you for all that you have poured into them, and you are showing them His love, each day you go into work. Mom, you are one of my best friends, and you have been consistently since I was very young, in love with Jesus and wanting others to experience His love. I want to be like you, if I even reach half of what you are, I will consider myself blessed. I love you!
P. S. This music is Bob Dylan, my mom's all time favorite singer, besides Celine Dion of course ;)

Mom and my little nephew Quinn :)

They were both wearing camo pants it was perfect! wasn't planned!


Elena said...

Chavia, I really enjoyed reading this about your mom! And loooove the photos! They show how much joy your mom has! So cool to see how God has blessed your mom over the years! And the Love she has for you all and the Lord! What an example!

Will and Alycia Irish said...

What a wonderful and very deserving post for Mom, Chavia! Thanks for doing it. She is the best, right? =) said...

Thank you so much sweetheart--how you blessed me!! Your photography inspires me, but your life and love for the Savior inspire me so much more!! Thank you for your heart for him!

Anonymous said...

Great post, Chavs - and so true...great pics of Quinn and Mom too!!

amy said...

chavia, thanks for sharing about your mom! it is amazing to see the fruit in you through years of faithful laboring and investing. and the pics of your mom and quinn are adorable!

jamiedelaine said...

Your mom is SO beautiful! 7 Kids! Wow!

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