My sister and best friend is getting married! Johannah, I will never forget what a friend you have been to me. God has blessed us with such a good relationship, ever since we were both young.
You have always showed me how much you love me, whether it was by making up stories, or holding my hands when I was scared at night, can't believe you let a three year old sleep with you every night :) Thanks for sharing the same bed and room with me for 18 years.
Being in the same Bible study group for 7 years and discipling me.
I think about all the many adventures and road trips and mutual good friends we have had over these past 7 years.
Johannah, selfishly I am glad that you just now met your husband, because I know that we wouldn't have been able to have all the adventures that we have had over the years. :)
I love you so much and am so excited that you are starting a new life with Ruel, he could not be more perfect for you!
Johannah's life has been characterized by a faithful passionate walk with the Lord. She has had the desire to get married for a long time, but has given that desire to Jesus. In the process she has poured into many people's lives and been an example to many.
God is so good, and has brought her a man in His own time, and they could not be more perfect for each other!
She and Ruel met almost a year ago, and they will be getting married on the year anniversary of their first date! The cool thing is their relationship is centered around dates of 10. Both of their birthdays are on the 10th of the month, and they will be getting married December 10th! This time is bittersweet for me, since Johannah will be moving away, but I am so happy that she is starting her new life with her husband in Charlottesville :)
I wish you guys the best and am so excited to see you two get married! :)
I love you so much and will never forget our times together!
"A sister is a forever friend." -Author Unknown